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This section allows you to set up your ASIO driver.

Just click the free ASIO4ALL download button at the top left of the page. Clicking this link will start the installer to download ASIO4ALL free for Windows. Will this ASIO4ALL download work on Windows? The free ASIO4ALL download for PC works on most current Windows operating systems. Free shipping on creative, after win 8. If there is an audigy 2 se, it doesn t seem very sound blaster audigy asio it would have the same model number as the others unless it is the same card but sold in a different part of the world with a different name, or perhaps the same card and the name was changed after some time, though it could be a.

  • To open the section where you can set up the ASIO driver, select Devices > Device Setup and select the audio driver in the Devices list to the left.

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The following options are available:

Control Panel

Opens the control panel for the audio hardware.

  • 8/10 (46 votes) - Download ASIO4ALL Free. ASIO4ALL is an ASIO driver for sound cards that are compatible with WDM. Download ASIO4ALL for free now and use audio applications improving the latency. When it comes to working with digital audio on your computer you may encounter problems.
  • Asio Driver For Mac, free asio driver for mac freeware software downloads.
Input Latency

Shows the input latency of the audio driver.

Output Latency

Shows the output latency of the audio driver.

Clock Source

Allows you to select a clock source.

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Externally Clocked

Activate this option, if you use an external clock source.

Direct Monitoring

Activate this option to monitor via your audio hardware and to control it from Cubase.

Ports Reset

Allows you to reset all port names and visibilities.


The port input/output status.

Port System Name

The system name of the port.

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Show As

Allows you to rename the port. This name is used in the Input Routing and Output Routing pop-up menus.


Allows you to activate/deactivate audio ports.


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The state of the audio port.